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THIS WEBSITE, www.darkdesires.escorts.biz, property of GYPSY MISTRESS, and Any media of any kind of GYPSY MISTRESS, DARK DESIRES DOMME ARMADA MODELS, or anything related to GYPSY MISTRESS OR DARK DESIRES WEBSITE, published, used, distributed or EXTRACTED FROM ANY ADVERTISEMENTS OF GYPSY MISTRESS OR DARK DESIRES MODELS ON OTHER WEBSITES in any media, including but not limited to unauthorized profile listings for directories, unauthorized blog postings, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 
Any logos, slogans, trademarks, photos, videos, music, media, or any other content on/in this website, www.darkdesires.escorts.biz, or on/in any other website related to GYPSY MISTRESS AND DARK DESIRES DOMME ARMADA MODELS are the LEGAL and COPYRIGHTED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of GYPSY MISTRESS, and may not be used under any circumstances. 
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